Do you know what the globalist elite are planning? Do you know what is being taught to your children? Do you look at the world not knowing what is right in front of you? Take the scales off of your eyes and learn the truth in this informative podcast about the culture war you didn’t even know you were in.

Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Election Interference Or Too Big To Rig?
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
Thursday Nov 07, 2024
#election #trump #harris #2024election #theagendawithcrystalrisotti #theagenda #crystalrisotti The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 20! This election is likely to be the most contested in history. Over 165 lawsuits have been filed. Did you know about the ‘quiet period’ guidance issued by the DOJ in September? And the following lawsuits that occurred by the DOJ against states for cleaning voter roles and removing non-citizens? Virginia won their lawsuit from the DOJ in the Supreme Court. However, there are many more to go. Do you think this will be a peaceful election season, or do you think it will erupt in chaos? What happens in the next 2 months? References: The Patriot Voice (X) - https://t.co/BER4kcnDTK Insurrection Barbie on X: "Dallas County is reporting glitches during early voting. Dallas County is the county whose machines did not pass the logic and accuracy test and the Democrat controlled elections board certified them anyway. https://t.co/5tKY8F0HpA Ann Vandersteel™️ on X: "MASS REPORTS OF VOTING MACHINE PROBLEMS 🚨🚨All age groups are reporting that the EXPRESS VOTE machines are flipping votes. 🚨🚨 ISSUES FOUND AT POLLS IN PALM BEACH COUNTY FL INCLUDE: 1. Votes are being changed by the machine 2. Four or more tries of touching the candidate's https://t.co/waUqWuGxiO ꪻꫝể ꪻꫝể on X: "Georgia had reported that Dominion voting machines were flipping votes from Trump to Harris. Now Tennessee are reporting that Dominion voting systems are switching votes. This is one of the many ways the Democrats was able to install Joe Biden in 2020! 💥IMPORTANT https://t.co/02be4oHEsV Kylie Jane Kremer on X: "🚨GEORGIA ELECTION FRAUD🚨 Dominion voting machines. We are already seeing MAJOR issues with the machines across the Peach State as early voting is underway Congresswoman MTG confirmed there is an issue in her district (14th) with the machines flipping votes from Trump to https://t.co/7ZqE7VsMU5 🇺🇸RealRobert🇺🇸 on X: "And here it is, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, DOMINION FLIPPING SYSTEMS FLIPPED 50,000 VOTES FROM TRUMP TO JOE BIDEN, 🚨🚨IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE: an Obama insider wishing Trump for Christmas in handcuffs, now in charge of Dominion voting machines. Jim savage held up in his https://t.co/v9ESGwKevI George on X: "BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties. https://t.co/xiN320U9jY True the Vote on X: "30k ballots are being examined for fraud in Mesa County, CO. If you’re a Colorado voter and have requested a ballot, but not received, check your history and tracking at https://t.co/8BazBMYCmr https://t.co/0TqpNVkJnI Colorado Election Integrity: https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/colorado-voter-fraud-cmc/ Live From America TV on X: "Dominion Voting Systems threatens ANYONE who questions their machines or their propriatory software by saying they are "keeping a close eye" on all of us and will hold us accountable for exposing their machines! Well....let us be the 1st that says "Bring It"! Here is proof! https://t.co/gaFRjpC0vf 🇺🇸RealRobert🇺🇸 on X: "And here is, Dominion Threatening Machines, Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer science and engineering professor, HACKERS penetrated Dominion Voting Machines within minutes, turning them into gaming consoles, “WHAT WE HAVE FOUND, WITH EVERY SINGLE KIND OF https://t.co/Qkfiqz0iDq" / X Truth Justice ™ on X: "THE MANIPULATION OF ELECTIONS: Veteran U.S. Air Force CIA Officer has evidence that can prove the source code operating the election machines in Smartmatic and Dominion voting machines that determines the U.S. Presidency are owned by the Venezuelan Narco Regime and made in China. https://t.co/EohmYrYNB3 True the Vote on X: "🚨 VoteAlert Update‼️ Report: One machine (serial number 0225805) of eight at the Rock Island county building early voting changes the voter selection. Four times voters have reported this machine either changed their vote selection to Harris or completely eliminated the vote https://t.co/KDoZb0Talg DOJ guidance on “quiet period”: NVRA List Maintenance Guidance DOJ sues Virginia for voter roles: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-virginia-violating-federal-laws-prohibition-systematic-efforts Virginia ordered to stop work on voter roles: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/preliminary-injunction-entered-justice-department-suit-stop-virginias-systematic-removal SCOTUS rules in favor of Virginia: https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/10/supreme-court-allows-virginia-to-remove-suspected-non-citizens-from-voter-rolls/ Our Website: https://www.revolverbroadcasting.com/ Our Shop: https://my-store-eb40cb.creator-spring.com/ Revolver Hot Shots: https://revolverhotshots.locals.com/ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT0c4LVjWkTvDBnHllVndmg?sub_confirmation=1

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
What Do They Want? The Democrat Party Platform!
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
The Agenda with Crystal Risotti , Episode 19!
With the upcoming election, it’s imperative that you know the party platforms because no matter what the candidates say, they commit to upholding the party platforms! We already covered the Republican Party Platform, and now we will cover the Democrat Party Platform. Often the rhetoric from the candidates is the basis for peoples’ choice in voting for a candidate, but it shouldn’t be. The party plans go much deeper. Candidates say a lot of things, and they tend to focus on very few things and just repeat them when they speak in public. The platform of the party is the true story of the belief system of each party; it’s the entire story of what the parties stand for, and those candidates are beholden to them! So let’s dive into the REAL story.
Democrat Party Platform: https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/FINAL-MASTER-PLATFORM.pdf
Factcheck.org-jobs claims: https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/bidens-job-growth-chart-ignores-impact-of-pandemic/
Forbes report on increase in minimum wages: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2024/07/26/california-20-minimum-wage-fast-food-impact/
Inflation rates: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/historical-inflation-rates/
Electric vehicle manufacturers pulling or reducing production: https://www.axios.com/2024/01/19/ev-cars-ford-lightning-gm-chevy-blazer-cuts
Democrats threaten violence: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?view=detail&q=montage+of+democrats+calling+for+violence+against+conservatives&&mmscn=mtsc&mid=412D80250A3BCA23774A412D80250A3BCA23774A&&aps=106&FORM=VMSOVR
Tax Foundation: https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/summary-latest-federal-income-tax-data-2023-update/
UN Sustainable Goal 10: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/inequality/
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Friday Aug 30, 2024
Take A Look! The Republican Party Platform!
Friday Aug 30, 2024
Friday Aug 30, 2024
#republicanparty #republican #platform #gop #theagendawithcrystalrisotti #theagenda #crystalrisotti #joshuacummins #revolverbroadcasting
The Agenda with Crystal Risotti
Episode 18
With the upcoming election, let’s investigate the party platforms! Often the rhetoric from the candidates is the basis for peoples’ choice in voting for a candidate, but it shouldn’t be. The party plans go much deeper. Candidates say a lot of things, and they tend to focus on very few things and just repeat them. The platform of the party is the true story of the belief system of each party; it’s the entire story of what the parties stand for, and those candidates are beholden to them! So let’s dive into the REAL story.
Republican Party Platform: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/2024-republican-party-platform
Mental Health America: https://www.mhanational.org/issues/2024/mental-health-america-youth-data
The Border Wall: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/aug/09/donald-trump/how-many-miles-of-border-wall-did-donald-trump-bui/
Kamala’s Let Them Out Of Jail Fund: https://mnfreedomfund.org/
Our Website: https://www.revolverbroadcasting.com/
Our Shop: https://my-store-eb40cb.creator-spring.com/
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT0c4LVjWkTvDBnHllVndmg?sub_confirmation=1

Friday Aug 16, 2024
Policy Showdown! Trump Vs Kamala!
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
#donaldtrump #kamalaharris #policies #pandering #trumpvance #harriswalls The Agenda With Crystal Risotti! Episode 17! Let’s take a look at the campaign websites of former President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. You will see stark differences in their plans for sure! Don’t be a low-information voter - dive into this election season with me and procure as much information as you can before you make a decision! References: Donald Trump campaign site: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/platform Kamala Harris campaign site: https://kamalaharris.com/ No Taxes On Tips: • Trump, Harris call for elimination of... X post: https://x.com/Huberton/status/1822672... Revolver Broadcasting: Our Website: https://www.revolverbroadcasting.com/ Our Shop: https://my-store-eb40cb.creator-sprin... Subscribe:
/ @revolverbroadcasting

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Trump Assassination Attempt Timeline
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
In depth report on the events leading up to the assassination attempt by Thomas Crooks and what could have been done to of corrected all of the missteps by secret service that fateful day.
Blackrock commercial - https://youtu.be/SoJ7HHkvtBE?si=suJ-1eHldYB8N4Dl
Registerd Republican: https://www.reddit.com/r/DemHoosiers/comments/1ckyv67/open_primary/
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2024/07/15/thomas-crook-bethel-park-donald-trump-butler-rally/stories/202407150111
Suspicious Travel: https://x.com/amuse/status/1815489670815580324/photo/1
Iran threat: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fbi-not-ruling-anything-out-regarding-potential-ties-between-iran-trump-assassination-attempt/ar-BB1qUa0N?ocid=BingNewsSerp
Austin Private Wealth stock dump: https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/investing/investment-firm-says-massive-short-of-truth-social-stock-before-trump-shooting-was-filed-in-error/news-story/8f9886b3ecf6f1c53d7ad3b737387d2a
Rep. Bennie Thompson: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mississippi-congressman-bennie-thompson-defends-legislation-to-limit-secret-service-protection/ar-BB1qzhGA?ocid=BingNewsSerp
Melody Hook Interview: https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/witness-recalls-protecting-her-family-when-she-heard-shots-at-the-trump-rally-214827589764
Our Website: https://www.revolverbroadcasting.com/
Our Shop: https://my-store-eb40cb.creator-spring.com/
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT0c4LVjWkTvDBnHllVndmg?sub_confirmation=1

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Updates, Updates, Updates!
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
The Agenda with Crystal Risotti: Episode 15!
See what’s new, and what updates have occurred to previously discussed topics.
Updates include:
- Title IX
- Student Loan Forgiveness
- WHO/Pandemic Treaty
- DEI/ESG Scores (Tractor Supply)
If you missed prior episodes, please go back and watch them.
Associated Press Title IX report for original block - https://apnews.com/article/title-ix-transgender-sports-campus-sexual-assault-77f524b4ed8fcc2aecd5e863b0442bf4
NBC News report on Title IX block for 6 additional states - https://apnews.com/article/title-ix-transgender-sports-campus-sexual-assault-77f524b4ed8fcc2aecd5e863b0442bf4
CBS News report of NCAA lawsuits by college athletes against Title IX - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/riley-gaines-college-athletes-lawsuit-ncaa-transgender-policies/
Student Loan Forgiveness (Best Colleges.com) - https://www.bestcolleges.com/news/president-biden-track-record-student-loan-forgiveness/
Student Loan Forgiveness (US Department of Education) - https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-announces-additional-77-billion-approved-student-debt-relief-160000-borrowers
Student Loan Forgiveness for Public Service Workers - https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/22/politics/biden-student-loan-forgiveness-supreme-court/index.html
Injunction against SAVE program - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-s-student-loan-forgiveness-plan-temporarily-halted/ar-BB1oOW56?ocid=Peregrine&ad=dirN&prod=Secure&cmpgn=29308&annot=false&sameTabLaunch=false&installSource=other&ctype=web&browser=Secure&darkMode=false&ueid=48C10E47-4813-48FE-80FE-53FC6D5E0D49&doi=2024-04-17
Robby Starbuck exposes Tractor Supply (TSC) - https://x.com/robbystarbuck/status/1798773494127411262
One Health/Pandemic Treaty Update - https://healthpolicy-watch.news/one-health-is-a-one-world-agenda-even-as-pandemic-negotiators-wrangle-over-inclusion-in-accord/?twclid=2-3sao1lkbx7t8vxq7ixtkgvdf7

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Christian Citizenship
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
The Agenda with Crystal Risotti Episode 14!
Religion and politics: The two things we are told not to discuss. Yet, these are two of the most important things that explain who we are. They reveal our worldview. And, they are not separable. Find out what God says about Christian citizenship and our responsibility as Christians to be involved with politics.
Refernces: https://curtsmith.online/
Website: https://www.revolverbroadcasting.com/
#theagendawithcrystalrisotti #theagenda #crystalrisotti #religion #politics #christian #citizenship #christiancitizenship #David #israelites #joseph #noah #jesus #bible #deuteronomy #samuel #secular #child #government #family #church #curtsmith #indianafamlyinstitute #godly #chaos #american #benfranklin #republic #democracy #justice #prosecutors #russia #domestictranquility #commondefense #generalwelfare #secureliberty #independence #astray #responsabilities #johnstuartmill

Friday Jun 07, 2024
A Change of Plans-Detrans! Part 3
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
The Agenda with Crystal Risotti episode 13!
Who or what is behind the push for gender ideology? What are detransitioners saying about their struggles? How many detrains people are there?
In this episode, we will dive into the issues that face detransitioners. We’ll take a look at WPATH and what they’re saying in the SOC-8 standard of care. And hopefully, it may help someone think twice about transitioning in the first place. We also provide references for those who are considering detransitioning.
Detransitioner: Here’s What Her Doctors Didn’t Tell Her (Jordan Peterson and Chloe Cole) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doaHPFWEa7E&t=11s
The Wounds That Won’t Heal (Jordan Peterson and Chloe Cole) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O3MzPeomqs
Leaked WPATH files: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2024/gaedata/TMY/2024SJ-00004-R000318-Gerber,%20M-Opposes-TMY.PDF
Genspect – WPATH’s Bizarre 8th Standards of Care - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMrCTlp2-Io&t=0s
Genspect – Leaked WPATH Files – Breaking News with Gender: A Wider Lens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_IITJ9ZtGw
LGBT Courage Coalition - https://lgbtcouragecoalition.substack.com/
Sex Change Regret - https://sexchangeregret.com/
Beyond Trans - https://beyondtrans.org/
Therapy First - https://www.therapyfirst.org/